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Roubini:美国银行系统损失将达3.6 万亿,实际已经破产  

2009-01-21 12:32:34|  分类: 财经话题 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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译者 大头姗




彭博:美国因信贷危机而产生的金融损失可能达到三万六千亿美元,表明银行体系“实际上已经破产”, ”纽约大学教授努里尔?鲁比尼,他曾预测了去年的经济危机。

“我发现美国机构的信贷损程度将高达三万六千亿美元的水平,其中一半是由银行和经纪交易商造成的 ”今天在迪拜举行一次会议鲁比尼说。 “如果准确,这意味着美国的银行系统是实际上破产了,因为它的初始资本是1.4万亿美元。这是银行的系统性的危机。

根据彭博2007年的数据,因为美国次级抵押贷款市场崩溃,全世界金融公司的损失和减计成本已上升超过1万亿美元 。




Roubini: U.S. Banking System Insolvent, Another $2.5T of Losses Coming

Posted Jan 20, 2009 10:17am EST by Henry Blodget in Newsmakers, Recession, Banking


From Clusterstock:

A couple of years ago, when Nouriel Roubini predicted that U.S. financial-system losses would total $1 trillion, everyone thought he was insane.  He has since revised his estimate.  Now he's looking for $3.6 trillion:

Bloomberg: U.S. financial losses from the credit crisis may reach $3.6 trillion, suggesting the banking system is “effectively insolvent,” said New York University Professor Nouriel Roubini, who predicted last year’s economic crisis.

“I’ve found that credit losses could peak at a level of $3.6 trillion for U.S. institutions, half of them by banks and broker dealers,” Roubini said at a conference in Dubai today. “If that’s true, it means the U.S. banking system is effectively insolvent because it starts with a capital of $1.4 trillion. This is a systemic banking crisis.”

Losses and writedowns at financial companies worldwide have risen to more than $1 trillion since the U.S. subprime mortgage market collapsed in 2007, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.

President Barack Obama will have to use as much as $1 trillion of public funds to shore up the capitalization of the banking sector, following the $350 billion injection by the Bush administration, Roubini told Bloomberg News. Congress last year approved a $700 billion rescue fund, of which half remains to be disbursed.

See Also: Why Are We So Afraid To Fix Banks The Right Way?

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